With the support of contractor CIE S.A. Paraguay, ANDE – Administracion Nacional de Electricidad, completed an new ACCC® conductor installation in Paraguay. The 45 kilometer double circuit 220 kV line upgrade utilized existing structures and insulators. Brussels size ACCC conductor, manufactured by Lamifil was installed on 35 meter tall structures with 350 meter span lengths. For this project Lamifil delivered also fittings and instalaltion services together with Preformed Line Products and CTC.
ANDE selected the 832 kcmil (421.4 mm2) Brussels size ACCC conductor to replace old ACAR conductor to improve line efficiency and capacity. Some sections of the installation required the installation of temporary platforms to support installation equipment and protect wetlands. To further mitigate environmental impact in one area six reels of ACCC conductor were pulled in back to back covering over 14 kilometers.
This is the 4th ACCC project Lamifil is supplying in Paraguay.