In the year that it celebrates its 90th anniversary, Lamifil is shifting into higher gear to realise its strategic goals. Following a solid strategy, the company continues to build on its strengths and focuses on innovation and sustainable growth. Over a 5-year period, Lamifil is rolling out a substantial package of strategic and operational investments in support of its plans. Moreover, it introduces a renewed brand positioning and a modernised brand identity, the essence of which is that Lamifil is ‘bringing connections to life’.
Ready for the future
Throughout the 90 years of its existence, Lamifil has shown its ability to adapt to a changing market and rapidly evolving customer needs. Driven by quality and innovation, it has become a reputed global manufacturer of innovative cable and wire products in copper, aluminium and copper and aluminium alloys. Today, Lamifil globally serves the railway, energy, automotive, aerospace and steel industries as well as a wide range of consumer goods manufacturers. Backed by a focused strategy and supporting investments, Lamifil is looking ahead with confidence.
A strategy to connect
Combining proven choices with thorough transformation, Lamifil’s strategy has a 5-year horizon and consists of four main pillars:
The first strategic pillar ‘Connecting with customers’ covers how Lamifil is answering current and future customer challenges, differentiating itself in the market by providing added value and quality. Next to existing markets, Lamifil is aiming at new vertical and geographical markets, including the US, with innovative products. Moreover, it will increase its efforts to even better serve end markets such as robotics, the aerospace and automotive industries.
‘Connecting with the future’, Lamifil’s second strategic pillar, is about preparing its products, manufacturing site and processes for the future. Important innovations have been realised and planned in both the aluminium and copper division with new installations being put into use. These investments allow Lamifil to manufacture more efficiently and sustainably while further improving employee ergonomics. In addition, Lamifil is pursuing continued digitisation of its manufacturing facility, including its logistic’s processes.
The third pillar – ‘Connecting with each other’ – amounts to how Lamifil employees work together in order to improve wellbeing, safety and productivity. As a foundation for this pillar, Lamifil is implementing a sustainable safety plan and approach. It is embedded in a value-driven organisation and culture with a strong focus on openness, leadership, education and communication.
The final strategic pillar – ‘Connecting with the environment’ – guides how Lamifil commits itself towards society, through local anchoring and respect for its environment. This commitment is demonstrated, among others, by a sustained focus on local employment, attracting young and experienced talent from the surrounding region. Within its broader vision on sustainability, Lamifil is dedicated to mitigating the risks of impacting the local environment in any way.
Bringing connections to life
Lamifil’s future plans are linked to a renewed strategic brand positioning, supporting its differentiation in a competitive and globalized market. This positioning was conceived following a clear definition of Lamifil’s DNA and its mission, vision and values. Quintessential is that Lamifil – literally and figuratively – is bringing connections to life, between people, cities and parts of a whole. It realises that with smart products forged by technology, innovation and mastery. Driven by strong corporate values, Lamifil wants to help build a future in which value, progress and well-being are created for companies, people and communities.
To bring this new message and strategy clearly and unequivocally, Lamifil has strengthened its brand identity. A new brand promise ‘Bringing connections to life’ as well as a modernised visual language and logo are henceforth carried throughout all communications with customers, current and future employees and other stakeholders.
“We make a connection with the future by addressing opportunities in the market, our environment and our company, “ Johan Ameel, CEO of Lamifil, concludes. “A clear strategy, an investment plan and a supporting renewed brand positioning and identity are key in realising our plans.”
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