Author Archives: Jo de Brabandere

Update on COVID-19

Lamifil expresses its deepest sympathy and concern for all people and businesses impacted by the Corona virus pandemic. First and foremost, we are taking necessary measures in view of the health and safety of our employees and to prevent contamination. We continue to monitor the evolution of Covid-19 closely and are updating our information and […]

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Wire 2020 postponed to Dec 7-11

As you may have heard, Wire 2020, the principal event for the wire and cable industry in Düsseldorf, Germany, has been postponed due to the development of the coronavirus. The organisation has now confirmed that the event is to take place from Dec 7th till Dec 11 2020. You can find more information in the […]

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Lamifil Appoints Filip Goris* as CEO

Lamifil nv is pleased to announce the appointment of Filip Goris* as the new CEO, in succession of Johan Ameel*.  As of February 1st 2020, he joined Lamifil to assume the overall management of the company. In his role, he will overlook the continued implementation of the company’s strategy and transformation. “It is not by […]

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Alleviating Dhaka’s traffic congestion

Home to around 15 million people, Dhaka is not only the largest city in Bangladesh but also one of the largest and most densely populated cities in the world. So it should come as no surprise that it also has some of the world’s worst traffic congestion. Launched in 2016, the Dhaka Metro Rail project […]

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Lamifil drives growth strategy with investments and new brand positioning

In the year that it celebrates its 90th anniversary, Lamifil is shifting into higher gear to realise its strategic goals. Following a solid strategy, the company continues to build on its strengths and focuses on innovation and sustainable growth. Over a 5-year period, Lamifil is rolling out a substantial package of strategic and operational investments […]

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Supporting Spain’s Navarre region in reaching its renewable energy goals

Naturgy Energy Group S.A. (formerly Gas Natural Fenosa), one of Spain’s largest distribution system operators, has completed yet another step in its plans to increase renewable energy generation in the region of Navarre in the northern part of Spain. To accommodate the anticipated >122 MW output of two new windfarms, the company recently finished the […]

Lamifil in business magazine “Ondernemers”

An interview with Lamifil’s Operations Manager Ilse Evenepoel in Belgian business magazine “Ondernemers” Lamifil is featured on the cover of monthly magazine Ondernemers. An in-depth 4-page article and interview with Operations Manager Ilse Evenepoel reveals how Lamifil is making the difference with a pioneering spirit, innovation and focus on added value for customers. “Our assets […]

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Lamifil strengthens its commercial department for aluminium

As part of its strategy, Lamifil is increasing its focus on developing and marketing innovative wire products and applications in copper and aluminium and their alloys with a significant added value for its customers. To support its strategic plans, Lamifil is strengthening its organisation. Recently, the commercial department for aluminium was expanded with the aim […]

Connecting the Netherlands with a sustainable future

As a first step in the wider reconductoring initiative dubbed “Beter Benutten Bestaande 380kV net” (Making Better Use of the Existing 380kV grid), transmission system operator TenneT chose Lamifil’s industry-leading ACCC® Conductor to replace its Lelystad-Ens line. This is the first time next-generation HTLS (High Temperature Low Sag) conductors will be used on a 380kV […]